قصص قصيرة جداً تأليف وترجمة للكاتب المصري : أحمد بيضون –مصر

ادلَهمَّ الفضاءُ من حوله تتقاذَفه الأمواج، صارعَ مغاورَ الدوّامات ليقاوم الغرق، لاح بيديه تنبِشان سبيلَ النجاه، تحشرج صوته من زفراتٍ مُناجِياً أقرانه، شاخصةً كانت الأبصار من هول الموقف؛ إلا هرّة كان يحنو عليها—فاجَأته بإلقاء طوْقٍ ليتشبّث بالحياه ويتوسّدُ بَرَّ الأمان.
The space therearound was in blackout, he was thrown like a rocket by the raging blowing waves, wresting over the mighty raids of vortices to seek his escape route away from drowning, he waved his hands nibbling his way to breathe life again,moaning and growling of his voice as if heralding the throes which made him plea for help and succor from his nerby peers, surprisingly they had gazed and frozen their sight out of the woe of the status quo, as his stance was a harbinger of a bereavement and tribulation, but there was a cat he used to be keen and kind to her – out of the blue it had thrown a life buoy closely to let him catch and find his wayout to safety.
طيورٌ مكثت في أقفاصها سنوات؛ بنت أسرتها خلف القضبان، كانت تراقب شمس الصبح وقمر الليل ولكنها لا تحوم الفضاء، ظل زوجا القطرس يطعمان ما يعدّه صديقهما الإنسان، ملّ الصديق البشري قيدهما في الأسر، أراد أن يطلق سراحهما بفتح الباب لينعما الحريه؛ اعتادا مرضاً أصابهما من إدمان وطنٍ عازفٍ عن التغيير عاشقٌ لحصار العادات.
A tragedy
Birds were tapped in their cages for years, they set up their abode and recline behind the bars, watching the morning sun and the moonlit night, however; they never roam the space. Both seagulls fed on the food supplies catered by the friendly man for their nutrition, who fed up with their captivity fetters and bondages to let them go by setting free resorting to opening the doors, while the birds got accustomed to a disease afflicted them, namely; addiction to a kind of home abhorring and unwilling to change and keen on reservation of barricading customs.
ثلمت أظافرها من نبش جدار الزمان؛ شقت سرداباً في نفق الارتحال، أخذت تخطو على جمرات الأوهام، تشبثت بجدائل منسدلة من رياح الأمل على رصيف الذكريات، لاذت بناموسٍ تدق أجراس الخلاص، إلتهبت أوشاجها من قيظ الطوفان، أخمدتها زخات من ماء العنان، انطفأت ثورتها.
Her finger nails lost sharpness on nibbling the Aeon wall, she cut a basement pathway downward soul transmigration tunnel, she took a step forward on the illusionary burning charcoal, she kept hold of lingering braids of hope winds, blowing the memory sidewalk, she sought refuge in an altar to knell the horns of salvation, her doughs and reeds on fire out of the stormy blaze, the cloudy torrents put it off, her rebellious ignited upsurge was extinguished.